Tailored grant funding for businesses thatinnovate

Access 2000+ grants and expert writers for your business

Discover perfect grants from our extensive database, get matched with expert grant writers, and use our smart tools to maximize your funding success.

Curated Database

2000+ grants across Europe

AI Matching

90% match accuracy rate

Writer Marketplace

Access to 50+ specialists

Smart Tools

40% faster application process

Trusted by 100+ businesses across Europe

The Grantscan Advantage

Our platform provides unique benefits that help businesses secure the funding they need to grow and succeed.


Grants in our constantly updated database


Grants secured for our clients

10+ years

Expert experience in grant writing


Success rate for matched applications

Funding made simple

Our three-step process helps you discover, match with, and secure the perfect funding.


Find Grants

Access our curated database of European grants updated daily.

  • 2000+ grants
  • All European regions
  • Detailed criteria


AI technology identifies the perfect grants for your business.

  • 90% match accuracy
  • Personalized recommendations
  • Smart filtering


Work with specialized grant consultants with proven success.

  • Vetted professionals
  • 10+ years experience
  • Industry expertise

How we compare

See why our solution offers the best balance of efficiency, cost, and expert guidance.

FeatureDIY researchOur grant scanTraditional consultant
Time needed40+ hours15 minutesSeveral weeks
CostFreeBasic free, pro €99€2000+
Database accessLimitedComprehensiveVaries
Success rate dataNoYesSometimes
Expert verificationNoYesYes

What our customers say

Don't just take our word for it - hear from the businesses that have found success with our grant scanning service.

Great experience with the WhatSub team

"Great experience with the WhatSub team! Jesse and Pyry provided valuable insights and tailored funding opportunities. Their dedication to helping entrepreneurs is truly commendable. Highly recommend!"


Shivan Dilai



Amazing Service

"Jesse and the team were the key for us to get our WBSO grant. Highly recommended."


Theo Palios

CEO at Unicornlabs


Grants more accessible than ever

"Really simplified grant overview and description for us to not miss out on opportunities, which before I wouldn't even know they exist. The team is really hardworking and always supportive."


Antigoni Kourou



Join 100+ businesses across Europe who trust Grantscan

5/5 average rating from our customers

Frequently asked questions

Got questions? We've got answers. If you don't see what you're looking for, feel free to contact us.